About Janis Pulliam
Janis began her career as a heath educator with the NC Public School system and quickly moved into a position with the Board of Education working as the Program Director of Health, Physical Education and Guidance. She supervised, trained and evaluated over 200 teachers in 20 schools.
After leaving the public school system, Janis helped to start a Massage school in Wilmington, NC, to help open an Alternative Health Center in Chicago, and was the Director of education at the former Coastal Carolina School of Massage Therapy.

Janis is currently a nutritional endocrinologist coach/educator getting to the functional root case of disease, yoga teacher and massage therapist with over 45 years of experience in the health field. She is currently studying with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo in Austin, Texas and is enrolled in her Nutritional Endocrinology Certification Program. Janis is a graduate of the former Carolina School of Massage Therapy in Carrboro. She has practiced massage in Wilmington, Chicago, and San Diego. Janis has a Bachelor's degree in Health Education, a Master's in Health and Physical Education, and an advanced Education degree in Educational Supervision. She has experience teaching in the public school system, 3 massage schools, several community colleges, and one college. She is a Core Essentials Graduate of Coach U, the first coaching university in the United States. She is a Reiki Master, former Lypossage Master Trainer, Master Hypnotherapist, Meditation Instructor and Ayurvedic Mind-Body Educator, and Regional Director for Jouve. Janis personally studied and worked with Dr. Deepak Chopra, an internationally known ayurvedic physician and author, in La Jolla, California.
Janis currently owns Massage Therapy and Skin Care at Oleander Oaks. She has a second space that she works out of at 5023 Wrightsville Avenue. She offers one-on-one coaching, classes, workshops, retreats and employee wellness programs for professionals, nonprofits, churches, women's groups, conferences and any other persons interested in reaching their full potential. She teaches yoga with the employees of the New Hanover County Government.
Check out her other website, and learn about the latest in light patch technology utilizing light therapy (photomodulation) with the principals of chinese medicine at https://lifewave.com/janis. She can be contacted at janispulliam@bellsouth.
net or 910-620-5765.