Swedish - A basic relaxation massage. It is great for stress relief. Long, rhythmic strokes are used. $90/hr. $125/1.5 hrs
Deep Tissue - A deeper massage, this massage works on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It is designed to release muscle pain and tension. $90/hr. $125/1.5 hrs
Abby/Marma - The Abyhanga (Ayurvedic basic massage) is a purification friction massage which is followed by a hot towel wipe down and energybalancing. Marma point therapy is then performed which is similar to acupressure, as it opens the energymeridians (nadis) for deep relaxation and a feeling of bliss. $90/hr. $125/1.5 hrs
Lymphatic Massage - A gentle form of massage that helps to reduce swelling in tissues caused by a backup of the lymph fluid.
$90/hour. $125 for 1.5 hours
Hot Stone Massage - This treatment uses hot stones during the massage. The heat encourages a deep state of relaxation, can diminish chronic problem areas, promote health and well-being. It is deeply relaxing. $150/1.5 hrs
(Stones added to a treatment $15 for 1 hour, $25 for 1.5)
Coaching and Wellness Classes
A Work in Progress Free Online Community for "all-thing-health" from functional wellness to essential oils, to herbs, to ayurveda, to guided visualizations, and much, much, more.
Nutritional Endocrinology - Functional Health and Wellness gets to the root cause of health issues. Nutritional Endocrinologists look for imbalances of hormones in the body through labs and other assessment tools ,and use nutrition and other health practices to help to bring the body back into balance. $100/hour $135 90 minutes
Functional Health Blood Chemistry Report, Health Plan and Consultation $299
Wellness Education - classes about whole life wellness, including movement, relaxation, nutrition, stress reduction, sleep principles, meditation, yoga, and mental and spiritual wellness.
Energy Work
Energy therapy seeks to restore proper balance in the energy fields surrounding and within the body, balancing the chakras.. The result is a reduction of stress, greater emotional balance, improved physiological and immune functioning, and spiritual growth and integration. Janis uses Reiki, which is a specific ancient Japanese hands on healing technique that uses light touch to channel healing energy to the body, in addition to craniosacral, aromatherapy, therapeutic touch, and other healing modalities in her energywork. Janis also offers intuitive bodywork upon request. Dowsing is often used in her sessions. Please schedule 1 1/2 hour session, $145
Foot Reflexology
Begins with a nice soak for the feet with herb sand salts, followed by foot massage and specific pressure point massage. Points on the feet correspond to various organs of the body.When the points are stimulated, the energy channels to the corresponding organs are opened so energy can flow more freely. $90/1 hour
Janis integrates Young Living Essential Oils into her sessions. She may use a particular oil, or a combination of oils, or a special blend chosen just for you, to bring the mind and body into a state of relaxation, harmony and balance. Very gentle. $10 addition
Ask Janis about purchasing these oils for home use.
Meditation Instruction
Meditation is a process that takes us from activity to silence. The purpose of meditation is the restoration of the memory of wholeness and is the basis of healing. The basic forms Janis teaches are mindfulness meditation and other techniques based on the work of Dr. Deepak Chopra. $90/hour
Hypnotherapy/Past-Life Regression
Is largely an individual's willingness to be receptive and responsive to ideas. It is an altered, yet normal, state of being within which suggestions have a particularly potent effect. It is safe and can be effective in dealing with issues of self-esteem, relationships issues, weight loss, smoking cessation, stress management, spiritual exploration and more. $150/1.5 hrs
Ear Candling
Is a natural cleaning technique that uses a hollow waxed cloth candle which is gently placed in the ear and lit. This creates smoke and a vacuum which cleanses the ear. The head and sinuses are gently massaged as well. $95/hr